Solar shading

Sun protection and awnings, improving both health and social life

Catherine and John have 3 children, so theirs is a lively household. They were looking for ways to make their busy lives a bit easier and more convenient; solutions that needed to be both attractive and practical. For example, what is the best way to control the climate in your home? How can you enjoy being outdoors, even when the sun is very bright? How can you keep the house tidy, or make it appear tidy? All their questions were answered when they fitted sun protection and screens.
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Catherine and John have just had a new baby boy. George. They already have two daughters, Maddy and Olivia, and had for some time been hoping for a third child. However, as they decided to have a third child, Catherine had one other requirement. No, not that John had to do his share of nappy changing and feeding at night, but rather that she wanted proper sun protection in the house once she was expecting the baby. And they agreed.

It may seem like they were bartering, but in fact it was all about an every-day comfort. Comfort that is even more important for expectant mothers. During those months of pregnancy, the heat seems to increase a few degrees, with Catherine breaking out in a sweat. Anything to make this time in Catherine’s life more agreeable, must be a good thing.

As every parent will agree, a new child with its delicate skin is the most fragile and vulnerable member of a family.

The sun, with the tendency to burn more skins every year, is something you want to keep away from your family

On the other hand, a day of sunshine is so rare that we all want to make the most of the days when the sun does shine. This makes Harol sun protection the perfect solution. An extendible roof that puts you in control of what is going on above your head.

Solar shading

In reality, this provides almost 30 m of shade over the entire width of the terrace

It also means that the evenings feel less chilly because the heat is stored under the fabric of the folding arm awning. Integrated multi-colour LED lighting provides late stayers with a good reason to linger a little longer. With the sun protection closed, it is no more than a sleek bar against the outside wall. In perfect harmony with the structure of your home.

Apart from the new sun protection, the family has had screens for a few years. Integrated into the outside walls, in a shade that matches the brickwork beautifully. The screens offer quite a few benefits. For example, mosquitoes are more inclined to visit the neighbours, as they can’t get in. The temperature in the house remains relatively stable. A shield along the outside actually allows less sun from entering than with curtains along the inside. Yes, the playpen can remain next to the window on the south side of the building.

Passers-by in the street are spared the sight of the eldest daughter’s messy room

And in the room Maddy occupies, who has just turned 10, the screen has an additional function. The street is spared a view of her often messy wardrobe, showing her new-found sense of fashion. No messy view through the large window, thanks to the sleek mesh. And so it appears that the house is always neat, even with three small children.

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